Can I Control Now?
Chelsea Mack Chelsea Mack

Can I Control Now?

God, help me to accept my role to decrease and make room for you to increase. For you to become greater in me and through me. Help me to surrender control.

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Grief /ɡrēf/noun
Sydnei Jazmarie Sydnei Jazmarie

Grief /ɡrēf/noun

No matter how old you are, how much you pray, how much time has passed, or how connected you feel you are to God there is just something about grief that will have even the strongest person weak.

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I Am She...the Woman with the Alabaster Box pt. 1
Evelyn Denise Evelyn Denise

I Am She...the Woman with the Alabaster Box pt. 1

It is interesting that Jesus’ encounters with women are often where forgiveness is extended to them. Jesus tends to deal with nameless women as a means to let us know that at any point we insert our names in the situation.

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